Shunsuke Kazama

From Up on Poppy Hill

From Up on Poppy Hill

A group of Yokohama students fight to save their school’s clubhouse from the wrecking ball during preparations for the 1964 Tokyo Olympic ...
Black Widow Business

Black Widow Business

Kozo Nakase attends meetings for single widowers looking to remarry. He meets Sayoko Takeuchi and eventually marries her. Not longer after their ...
Everesuto: Kamigami no itadaki

Everesuto: Kamigami no itadaki

Makoto Fukamachi (Junichi Okada) is a Japanese cameraman. He finds an old camera on a backstreet of Nepal. The camera might possibly solve the ...
Z airando

Z airando


Z airando

Hiroya Munakata (Sho Aikawa) is the leader of the yakuza group Munakata-gumi. After 10 years since the big fight, Hiroya Munakata’s non ...
Petaru dansu

Petaru dansu

Four women, who have their own different sorrows, embark on a road trip. They look back at their past and restart their lives… Jinko (Aoi ...