Rachael Robbins

Axe to Grind

Axe to Grind

B-movie legend, actress Debbie Wilkins, has just been replaced by a 23 yr old scream queen in her lovers bed. More importantly she’s been ...
Body Shop

Body Shop


Body Shop

Two years after a women is killed in a fatal car crash, the trio of teenagers responsible for her death are suddenly being murdered – one ...
Screaming Dead

Screaming Dead

Into an abandoned insane asylum pass six individuals who are about to discover its terrifying secrets and come face to face with its blackest ...
Bleeding Hearts

Bleeding Hearts

Captured Hearts, an insane serial killer/horror film, is a heart-jumping, heart-crushing – truly demented – roller coaster ride of ...
Dry Spell

Dry Spell


Dry Spell

Sasha tries to get her soon-to-be ex husband Kyle laid so she can move on with her sex life guilt-free.